The Environment Agency’s National Waste Crime Survey went live on Monday 3rd February and will run until Sunday 23rd February.
Latest News
Jonathan Owen, Chief Executive of NALC has written to counties this week.
It’s that time of year again when we ask you to consider anyone that may match the criteria for attending a royal garden party.
All Village Halls, community centres and faith centres are invited to this informative and thought-provoking conference and networking event.
Auto Speedwatch Trial Update from PCC David Sidwick to all Parish Councils and CSW Teams
The Rotary Club's Emergency Volunteer Action Group (EVAG) is offering households in Dorset, who have been flooded or are in danger of flooding, help, advice and flood resilience kits.
Dorset Council would like to draw your attention to funding (Local Nutrient Mitigation Fund) which may be available within your Council areas for the delivery of nitrogen mitigation projects.
You will have probably heard that analogue landlines will disappear soon. BT provided an update to DAPTC and you can read the slides here.
I work for RECOUP, the UK’s leading independent authority and trusted voice on plastics resource efficiency and recycling.
Please find below a link that will take you directly to the consultation survey for the draft Cranborne Chase National Landscape (CCNL) Management Plan 2025-30.
My name is Sarah Kyle, and I am a PhD Psychology student at Northumbria University. Can you help with my research?