You will have probably heard that analogue landlines will disappear soon. BT provided an update to DAPTC and you can read the slides here.
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I work for RECOUP, the UK’s leading independent authority and trusted voice on plastics resource efficiency and recycling.
Please find below a link that will take you directly to the consultation survey for the draft Cranborne Chase National Landscape (CCNL) Management Plan 2025-30.
My name is Sarah Kyle, and I am a PhD Psychology student at Northumbria University. Can you help with my research?
In 2025, we will commemorate the 200th anniversary of the birth of the modern railway, a milestone in our national heritage.
A message for parish and town councils across England from CEO of Mumsnet
MHCLG launched on 18 December with the publication of the Devolution White Paper a consultation on standrads in public life and stronger sanctions.
The much anticipated white paper was published this week and has some encouraging hooks for local councils, but the devil will be in the detail as the proposals progress.
Message from Bruno Peek to Dorset Parish and Town Council Clerks
Don’t miss The Big Lunch webinar for councils and housing associations
Dorset Council wants to hear from town and parish councils on how they can better support them to tackle the climate and nature emergencies.
Sixty five delegates attended online the 2024 AGM. This included guest speakers from both BCP and Dorset Councils.