Parish and town councils actively committed to councillor training will receive public recognition through an awards scheme run by DAPTC recognising the number of councillors from each parish or town council that attend its range of courses, conferences, seminars and update events each year.
Councils will receive a DAPTC Star Awards for Councillor Development certificate, provided the qualifying criteria shown below is met, for courses, conferences, seminars and update events attended from mid February 2024 through to the beginning of February 2025. A confirmation letter will be issued, along with the certificate and logos to use on your website and social media.
The Certificates, for public display in each council’s meeting place, will publicise the council’s percentage of councillors participating in events to widen and update their knowledge of the many factors that can help them serve their communities.
Qualifying Crietria:
The percentage for each star category will be awarded on the number of individual councillors who attend recognised DAPTC training events. For example, if three members attend New Councillor Induction and the council has a total of nine places, the council will then be eligible for the Single Star certificate. If the same three members then attend further recognised training, the council will still have sent 30% of their members on training. If three additional members of the council also attend training, the total will then be 60% and the council will be eligible for the Double Star certificate.
The Certificates, based on the council meeting the qualifying criteria, will show :
Single Star = 30 – 59%
Double Star = 60 – 89%
Triple Star = Over 90%
Local councillors have a wealth of experience and local knowledge which can be shared with other councillors. DAPTC certificates will be a tangible sign of each council’s commitment to seeking out new opportunities for its community and will also benefit the entire council because newly trained members will be keeping up-to-date with changes in legislation and practice.
Want to know more?
If you would like to know more about the DAPTC Star Awards drop us an email on