DAPTC Area Committees

DAPTC Area Committees LogoDAPTC's Area Committees provide an excellent opportunity 3 or 4 times a year to meet councils in and around their locality to share best practice and talk through common issues.

The current DAPTC Constitution allows for the running of seven commiottees covering the whole of Dorset. Each committee has in turn representation on the Executive Committee of DAPTC.

Each committee has its own constitution with the requirement that annually they elect a Chair, Vice Chair, representatives and reserves to attend Executive Committee meetings.

The Executive Committee meets at least four times a year and the Annual General Meeting for DAPTC is held in November.

Click into a specific Committee page to view past and upcoming meeting dates and supporting papers.

If you would like to receive past copies of agendas and minutes or notes - please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the details of what you are looking for.

BCP Council Area Committee

The committees of DAPTC for the BCP Council area are as follows:

Chair | Vacancy

Vice Chair | Vacancy

Central Area Committee

Chair | Cllr. Neil Farmer - Toller Porcorum Parish Council

Vice Chair | Vacancy (please contact DAPTC if interested)

DAPTC Central Area Committee Constitution

Eastern Area Committee

Chair | Cllr. Steve Butler - Alderholt Parish Council / Knowlton Parish Council

Vice Chair | VACANCY (To be appointed at next meeting)

Northern Area Committee

Chair | Vacancy (please contact DAPTC if interested)

Vice Chair | Vacancy (please contact DAPTC if interested)

DAPTC Northern Area Committee Constitution

Purbeck Area Committee

Chair | Cllr. Peter Bowyer - Studland Parish Council

Vice Chair | Vacancy

Click 'read more' to access meeting agendas and notes for the dates below.

DAPTC Purbeck Area Committee Constitution

Western area Committee

Chair | Cllr. Chris Turner - Beaminster Town Council

Vice Chair | Vacancy (please contact DAPTC if interested)

Reserve | Vacancy (please volunteer at next meeting)

DAPTC Western Area Constitution

Towns and Larger Parishes Committee

Chair | Cllr. K D Johnson - Colehill Parish Council (Acting Chair of DAPTC)

Vice Chair | Cllr. Barry Von Clemens - Gillingham Town Council

Representative | Cllr. Jocelyn Lortie - Corfe Mullen Town Council

Representative | Cllr. Lindsey Dedden - Verwood Town Council



Telephone: 01305 224460

Member Advice: advice@dorset-aptc.gov.uk

Member Training: training@dorset-aptc.gov.uk

General Enquiries: info@dorset-aptc.gov.uk

Office Hours: Monday to Friday 9am to 2pm