I work for RECOUP, the UK’s leading independent authority and trusted voice on plastics resource efficiency and recycling.
Alongside our work with businesses and government, we have an education programme called Pledge 2 Recycle. This year, we have created a social media campaign toolkit which all councils can use on their social media platforms to help their residents recycle right this Valentine’s day. The aim is to provide the materials to encourage everyone to take small steps that make a big impact when it comes to tackling climate change.
I have attached a press release about our Valentine’s Day recycling toolkit and we would be very grateful if you could include an item on this via your media channels. Also attached are some suggested social media posts and assets to aid with the promotion of this toolkit.
If you have any questions at all, please contact me at this email address – I’d be more than happy to help.
Kind regards
Kate (01733 390021 or email