As of 10 January, the Parish Council Domains Helper Service has allocated 100% of the funding set aside to help councils move over to a .gov.uk domain.
As you may remember from previous communications, CDDO had funding of £100 +VAT to help 1,000 parish and town councils offset the initial costs of moving over to a .gov.uk domain in this financial year. Funding was allocated on a first-come, first-served, once per council basis. The full allocation has now been met.
We understand that this news may be disappointing for those just considering a move to a .gov.uk domain. However, there is still a compelling case for moving over: costs are lower than ever before and your council and its community will benefit from a safer, more professional online presence. The shortlist of Approved Registrars will still provide an enhanced level of technical support. We encourage you to keep progressing your move to a .gov.uk domain.
Just as before, the Parish Council Domains Helper Service will continue to provide support and guidance through virtual sessions and comprehensive reference material. You can register to attendby completing this short form or email us with your questions at
N.B. If your council completed an eligibility form before 18:00 10 January your application for funding should be processed as normal. If you have any questions about this please contact your Approved Registrar.
Author: The Parish Council Domains Helper Service Team, Central Digital and Data Office (CDDO)