
Declaration of Acceptance of Office

Guidance and templates for the acceptance of office by the Chair and fellow councillors. It's important that this legal requirement is completed in a timely fashion to avoid councillors disqualifying themselves before they've even started!


It's important and a legal requirement for councillors to sign a declaration of acceptance of office ahead of their first meeting. There is a simple template that can be used which can also be amended for the signature of the Chair/Mayor.

For councillors this exercise can be done on 7 May 2024 and up to just before the  start of the first meeting they attend - which after an election is the Annual Meeting of Council. These can slo be witnessed by fellow councillors if the Clerk isn't available.

The most practical way of getting the exercise done as soon as practicable, is by asking councillors to pop in and see the Clerk or arrive early to the Annual Meeting of Council. Some councils organise a short get together so that councillors can meet each other in the days before the Annual Meeting. Whichever way you tackle this - don't leave it too late that a councillor is unexpectedly disqualified!


Declaration of Acceptance of Office Template



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Office Hours: Monday to Friday 9am to 2pm