
The Parkinson Partnership LLP

The Dorset Association of Parish and Town Councils (DAPTC) have partnered with The Parkinson Partnership LLP, an accountancy practice specialising in work for the parish and town council sector, to provide online finance training covering a range of topics in any given year.

The topics are normally driven by the upcoming priorities for councils, for e.g. budget training will be in the Autumn and concludes just before the New Year. Similarly year end finance preparation will be geared to the period leading up to Spring.

How our agreement with The Parkinson Partnership can help your council:


ADVISORY SERVICES - general council finance queries

They provide an advisory service to 36 county associations of local councils (CALCs), giving responses to finance-related questions such as whether VAT can be reclaimed, when expenses are taxable, how things should be recorded in the accounts, what responses councils should give to the auditor and similar queries. They provide advice under contract to the DAPTC, who then advise the council involved for free, as part of their membership. Typically, they respond within 2 working days, unless the issue is particularly complex.

VAT CONSULTANCY - generally or for special projects

Are you planning a construction or refurbishment project and wondering what VAT you can reclaim? They can help you avoid expensive mistakes and maximise your VAT recovery. Public Sector VAT is complex and understanding whether you can treat an activity as non-business or not is crucial to getting it right.

They offer friendly, practical advice and affordable consultancy, finding solutions to the most challenging VAT issues you face. From the first steps of planning a project right through to completion and the final VAT claim, we’ll be there to assist you. They know how complicated VAT can seem. They spend much of their time advising on the VAT implications of public construction and renovation projects, partial exemption, options to tax, charity zero rating and other solutions to maximise VAT recovery.

COUNCILLOR & CLERK/RFO TRAINING - for all members of DAPTC in Dorset

They deliver a regular programme of online finance courses (around 100 sessions and over 2,000 course places a year), which are available through their county association of local council clients. Courses are normally 90-minutes (which seems the right length for people’s attention span) delivered through Zoom, usually with a maximum of 24 per course. This approach has proven itself over the last 3 years, producing well attended courses (virtually no cancelled sessions) with the flexibility to move attendees to another date if they find they can’t attend their chosen session.

They also deliver whole-council training on behalf of county associations, contact us for more information on options available.




Telephone: 01305 224460

Member Advice: advice@dorset-aptc.gov.uk

Member Training: training@dorset-aptc.gov.uk

General Enquiries: info@dorset-aptc.gov.uk

Office Hours: Monday to Friday 9am to 2pm