DAPTC partner with Dr. Andrea Pellegram for Planning and Neighbourhood Planning matters.
Andrea has a vast level of experience in the sector and the two programmes developed for DAPTC focus on parishes and towns being more effective in planning responses. The Neighbourhood Plan focus is centred on developing a small number of detailed policies that reflect a communities aspirations.
Dr Andrea Pellegram MRTPI has been providing training to Dorset Councils for a number of years, running two online courses:
- Introduction to town planning from a local council perspective;
- Introduction to neighbourhood planning.
The courses are offered in 2 hour segments online and are well-received by local councillors and clerks in Dorset. Andrea Pellegram draws on her experience as a local government planning manager and her work in the private sector. Andrea Pellegram Ltd. specialises in neighbourhood planning and the company’s other Director, Lee Searles MRTPI, is progressing a number of neighbourhood plans in Dorset.