Grant Funding Opportunity for Parish & Town Councils

Grant Funding Opportunity for Parish & Town Councils

Dorset Council would like to draw your attention to funding (Local Nutrient Mitigation Fund) which may be available within your Council areas for the delivery of nitrogen mitigation projects.

This is only for those council areas within the Poole Harbour Catchment. Please see below for a link to the catchment map.

This may suit Parishes who own land, even a few hectares, where it may have been rented out and which could be planted for woodland or orchards, or in suitable locations, be allowed to develop into some form of wetland. The land could deliver a reduction in nitrogen inputs into Poole Harbour in perpetuity in return for a payment from the council. The council are keen to ensure the nitrogen mitigation projects deliver secondary benefits for access and nature recovery and these opportunities may have already been identified in your Neighbourhood Plans. Even small areas of natural habitat can provide important ‘stepping-stones’ of habitat across the wider landscape.

Land purchase grants may also be available.

Examples of projects could be:

  • Restoration of improved grassland to a more species-rich grassland/meadow which will not be grazed in the future (only cut).
  • Planting woodlands or orchards
  • Land purchase grant for a wildlife reserve, open green space.

For further information or an informal chat about suitability of a project please contact the mitigation delivery team on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

If you have a project, you can submit details either directly to the email address above or respond to the council’s call for land which is open until 17th March 2025. Nutrient Mitigation Call for Land - Dorset Council - Citizen Space. The call for land site also includes a link to a Poole Harbour Catchment map and guidance note for landowners and farmers.




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