Items of the flood resilience kit

Flood resilience kits available to households

The Rotary Club's Emergency Volunteer Action Group (EVAG) is offering households in Dorset, who have been flooded or are in danger of flooding, help, advice and flood resilience kits.

EVAG was born out of the Somerset floods in 2014 and since then has been helping communities and households affected by flooding. The group has a grant to fund 80% of the cost of flood resilience kits to households in Dorset with the remaining 20% paid by the households as a donation or, if finances are an issue, not at all. The kits are not a one size fits all and EVAG will visit an household to assess what is required and they are very happy to attend community meetings with a presentation of the kit and its capabilities.

A typical kit costs around £245 with a household asked to consider paying the remaining 20%, approximately £50. A typical flood resilience kit can contain:

  • 15 x reusable yellow gel sacks (with 2 content sachets each)
  • 15 x self inflating hessian sacks
  • 2 x self inflating 3 metre snake barriers
  • 1 x multiuse air brick cover
  • 1 x multiuse toilet panseal with pump
  • 1 x 2x2 metre polythene sheet

For more details visit the EVAG website or email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




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