
2024 DAPTC AGM - Update

This news item sets out the timeline for the 2024 DAPTC AGM and supporting information around format and submission of motions.

Member Council response to the AGM Format for 2024

Please let your delegates provide feedback on the preferred format for this year: TELL US YOUR VIEWS BY 5PM on 12 SEPTEMBER PLEASE

VIEW THE 2024 AGM Format Survey Results

The AGM member packs and agenda will be issued in accordance with timeline below.

Motions for the AGM:

We are mindful that this is an election year and as such, councils have been continuing to co-opt and onboard new councillors.

As a result, we are providing member councils a short extension of time to submit any motions beyond the official deadline of Friday 27 September 2024. If councils wish to take up this extra time you will need to do two things:

  1. Advise DAPTC by email that you have a motion being developed by 27 September 2024.
  2. That the fully completed motion below carries support from another DAPTC member council and presenters names must be sent to DAPTC no later than Thursday 10 October at 10am

DAPTC will not be triaging motions ahead of the AGM and will rely on the information supplied below to be complete. If the submission isn’t complete in full below or received on time – the motion will not go forward.

We are also mindful of the time allocated to motions at the AGM and will limit the number of motions this year. Four which is the average number received in recent years with one notable exception in 2022. Motions will be accepted on a first come first served basis as long as they meet the criteria above.

If you are a new or existing Clerk and have any questions – please get in touch in good time.

2024 AGM Motion Submission Template


Last year our member councils supported DAPTC Executive Committee's recommendation to consult about the organisation moving away from being a constituted body to that of a company limited by guarantee. This was originally planned for Spring of this year, but due to elections in May is now being done ahead of the AGM in November.

This is a significant decision for member councils and we would encourage maximum attendance at the AGM on 23 November 2024. Member councils will receive a communications pack shortly for this to be added to your council meetings between now and November. This will include supporting information, an agenda item and possible resolution options. The change to a company limited by gaurantee will not result in DAPTC changing what it does day to day, week to week or month to month for member councils. The AGM will continue to be the sovereign body of the organisation whether this motion is supported or not.

VOTING - the constitution for DAPTC allows for voting at the AGM either in person or online via Zoom, subject to the format being used. Only the votes cast at the AGM will be used to determine whether this change in legal status for DAPTC goes ahead and for any other matters tabled.

DAPTC's Executive Committee have asked that as many member councils attend to vote and express their council's wish, but for those that are unable to attend, they submit a digital vote that will be revealed after the AGM. This digital vote will be gathered in the two weeks prior to the AGM for non attendees. This digital vote will not be included in determining the outcome of this motion and is simply to reassure the Executive that the change they are recommending has broader awareness, support or otherwise. We know that the AGM is attended by 75-85 delegates each year and that represents between 45-60 member councils. We have 165 members in total and whilst that is a reasonable attendance level for an AGM, for topics like this we would always encourage more to come along. At least two thirds of members voting at the AGM would need to support the change in the organisations legal status, for it to be approved.

If the above motion is approved, DAPTC will then formulate through its current Executive Committee articles of association, proposals for the limited company board appointments for a further round of consultation leading up to 1 April 2025. This would include proposals for member engagement going forward.

The information pack for this motion will be sent direct to all Clerks in the next two weeks for inclusion in meetings either during September, October or early November.

Guest Speakers:

DAPTC are pleased to confirm that the following will be speaking at the 2024 AGM

Cllr. Nick Ireland - Leader of Dorset Council

Cllr Mike Cox - Deputy Leader of BCP Council

Each presenter has agreed to speak and undertake a Q&A afterwards.


31 July 2024
- Deadline for DAPTC constitution changes from member councils and parish meetings.

23 August 2024 - Reminder to member councils of the AGM Timeline for 2024 and supporting documents by email to Clerks and notice in the DAPTC e-news for 3 weeks.

16 September 2024 - Deadline to issue DAPTC constitution changes to DAPTC Members

27 September 2024 - Member Motions deadline - due to this being an election year we are offering some flexibility on the proviso submissions are well formed and have the support of another member council in place and that presenters can attend 23 November date. 

18 October 2024 - Publish DAPTC AGM Notices, registration and Member Information Pack

25 October 2024 - Nominations from members for the roles of President and Vice President - update website and member notifications for names put forward.

23 November 2024 - DAPTC Annual General Meeting 10am to 12 noon.



Telephone: 01305 224460

Member Advice: advice@dorset-aptc.gov.uk

Member Training: training@dorset-aptc.gov.uk

General Enquiries: info@dorset-aptc.gov.uk

Office Hours: Monday to Friday 9am to 2pm